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The Co-Innovation Center for Social Governance of Urban and Rural Communities in Hubei Province

--One of the first established Co-Innovation Centers in Hubei Province

“The Co-Innovation Center for Social Governance of Urban and Rural Communities in Hubei Province" was established in December 2012.It is one of the important parts of "National Higher Innovation Capability Plan" ("2011 Plan") and one of first 18 Co-Innovation Centers which were set up in the colleges and universities in Hubei Province.

The aim of center is to serve the national construction and significant demand in Hubei province.The center was initiated by Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, and co-constructed by Wuhan University,Wuhan University of Science and Technology and Three Gorges University.The center adopts policy of “five in one” to make Government, Industry, Universities, Research Centers,and Enterprises to collaborate each other to build "Think Tank", "Talent Pool", "Idea Cradle", and "Information Bank” of social governance in urban and rural communities.

The primary mission of the Co-Innovation Center is to solve the following three problems: to promote “three innovation" of social governance in urban and rural communities , including conceptual innovation, institutional innovation, and method innovation; to achieve "three changes" of social governance (from the fragmentation to the coordination, from passive response to active service, from traditional ways to information networks);to explore a new system of "one base and four orientations" of social governance (people-based,network-oriented; information-oriented on supporting-platform,full service-oriented,urban-rural integration).In a word,the goal of center is to promote the innovation of social governance in urban and rural communities.


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